
Şimdi gösteriyor: Wurttemberg - Posta pulları (1851 - 1859) - 17 pullar.

1851 Black Print on Colored Paper

15. Ekim WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 60 Perforasyon: Imperforated

[Black Print on Colored Paper, tip A] [Black Print on Colored Paper, tip A1] [Black Print on Colored Paper, tip A2] [Black Print on Colored Paper, tip A3] [Black Print on Colored Paper, tip A4] [Black Print on Colored Paper, tip A5] [Black Print on Colored Paper, tip A6]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
1 A 1Kr. - 864 135 - USD  Info
2 A1 3Kr. - 270 6,48 - USD  Info
2A* A2 3Kr. - 1.620 86,44 - USD  Info
3 A3 6Kr. - 1.296 43,22 - USD  Info
4 A4 9Kr. - 4.862 43,22 - USD  Info
4a* A5 9Kr. - 8.644 108 - USD  Info
5 A6 18Kr. - 1.620 648 - USD  Info
1‑5 - 8.914 876 - USD 
1857 Coat of Arms - Paper with Orange Silk Threads. Printed 0,75 mm Apart

Ekim WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 60 Perforasyon: Imperforated

[Coat of Arms - Paper with Orange Silk Threads. Printed 0,75 mm Apart, tip B] [Coat of Arms - Paper with Orange Silk Threads. Printed 0,75 mm Apart, tip B1] [Coat of Arms - Paper with Orange Silk Threads. Printed 0,75 mm Apart, tip B2] [Coat of Arms - Paper with Orange Silk Threads. Printed 0,75 mm Apart, tip B3] [Coat of Arms - Paper with Orange Silk Threads. Printed 0,75 mm Apart, tip B4]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
6 B 1Kr. - 648 86,44 - USD  Info
7 B1 3Kr. - 324 10,80 - USD  Info
8 B2 6Kr. - 648 86,44 - USD  Info
9 B3 9Kr. - 1.080 64,83 - USD  Info
10 B4 18Kr. - 3.241 1.296 - USD  Info
6‑10 - 5.942 1.545 - USD 
1859 Coat of Arms - without Silk Threads

Ağustos WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 60 Perforasyon: Imperforated

[Coat of Arms - without Silk Threads, tip B5] [Coat of Arms - without Silk Threads, tip B6] [Coat of Arms - without Silk Threads, tip B7] [Coat of Arms - without Silk Threads, tip B8] [Coat of Arms - without Silk Threads, tip B9]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
11 B5 1Kr. - 648 135 - USD  Info
12 B6 3Kr. - 324 10,80 - USD  Info
13 B7 6Kr. - 9.724 162 - USD  Info
14 B8 9Kr. - 1.620 86,44 - USD  Info
15 B9 18Kr. - 3.781 2.161 - USD  Info
11‑15 - 16.099 2.555 - USD 







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